Saturday, February 19, 2011

An Unanticipated Post!

I can't believe it, but my shop has made its first sale! I have been trying to get UneBelleVie into as tip-top a shape as possible, but between family, class, homework and everything else going on this has been a challenge. I think my efforts will pay off, though, and there will be many reasons to remember 2011 :)

<-- This is the beaut who is going to a new home on Monday: an Olivetti Lettera 32. If only I had room in my home for all of the treasures I run across...

Also, my little daydreaming pixie has been featured in a beautiful treasury(!) by OneHalfDozen, a candlemaker (I just had to *heart* this one!).

I can't believe everything that has happened over the past few days, and I look forward to continuing to get to do new things and meet new people :)

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful night!

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